Wednesday, January 14, 2009

She's got a New Attitude!!

I've decided that when a girl turns 3 they also get a new attitude!!
Landry has now been 3 for about 2 weeks now and let me tell you is getting sassier each day!! Having 13 year old(Landry's 2nd to oldest sis) and a 3 year old around is about the same! Yesterday poor Lan spent half the day in time out. She kept talking back and having these melt downs. Her oldest sister asked her to pick up her toys yesterday and Landry, who by the way was in time out for something else at the time, preceded to tell Katy "NO! You do it yourself!"Well needless to to say I came around the corner from the bathroom and used her whole name and she picked up her toys!
Then yesterday afternoon at nap time she wouldn't lay down on the bed and take a nap, she kept getting up and playing with Vegas. So I ended up taking Vegas out of the room and I asked her to lay down for about 30 minutes. Well she kept getting up,so needless to say nap time was a total bust yesterday!
Today was a much better day though. I bribed her and told her we could get a special cookie from Cookies in Bloom, which by the way she calls "Cookies in Bloomers".I told one of my friends, Ashley, that she had jinxed us. Ashley watched Landry on Monday sit at the studio at the little desk in the office, quietly eating her apples while all the other kids ran around. Ashley then turned to me and said "She is so good!! I can't believe she sits there so quietly." Well I should have known then the next day Landry's demon side would come out!

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