Thursday, October 16, 2008

Weight Watchers

So I've managed to make it through my first day of weight watchers and still have 2 points left over at the end of the day! The biggest pain is having to research all the crap I eat to see the points value, not as much as the writing it down part. I got to still eat a Mcdonalds hamburger and french fries today too. I was excited to find out that a plain hamburger with ketchup and mustard was only 5 points and a small fry is another 5 points. Now if I hadn't of slept through breakfast today I probably would not have been able to eat this, but I did sleep through breakfast so I got to enjoy a yummy hamburger and fries!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Home Improvement

So basically phase one of our home renovation is done. I'm so ready for it all to be done!!! Four weeks locked at one end of the house with four people, 3 cats, and 2 dogs is a lot to handle. The kitchen is finally painted and the floors look great. We still have to get a new stove top and our new granite countertops, but that's going to be the last thing after the den, pool, deck, and my closet are done. We have to now move everything that goes into the kitchen back into the kitchen and move all of the stuff from the den into other areas of the house, mainly the living room. This all really needs to be done by Thanksgiving so that we can start getting the house ready for Christmas!!
I started to clean out my closet today. If you don't know my old game room became my closet about 5 years ago. My parents decided a couple of weeks ago they were going to fix it up some and make it little bit easier to use. Before we had just put some hanging racks and dressers in there and that was it. Now we are really going to fix it up. I would like to think it's going to look like a downgraded, cheap version of a closet like the celebrities have. I'll post pics when it's done. But with this renovation means I have to get rid of probably half the clothes that are in there. This is extremely hard for me because as I start to go through it all I try to convince my self I'll probably wear it again. I did manage to make a whole box of stuff to go to goodwill that contains a whole bunch of clothes that I know that no one would ever want and some really ugly shoes that were really in style when I was in high school. If anyone wants to come go through my junk feel free to holler at me, maybe it will help me be able to get rid of stuff!!

Monday, October 13, 2008


So I realized today that uninterupted naps rock!! Today I was off from work and I literally did nothing!! I woke up at 9:30 and was going to go back to sleep, but John called and wanted to go to lunch, so I decided that probably eating was a good thing. After I ate I came home and laid down. I got to sleep for 3 hours, it was amazing. Now I usually try to go to sleep for about an hour everyday when Landry goes to sleep. I highly believe in the whole theory of when the baby is sleep you should be sleeping, even though Landry is no longer a baby the theory still works!! But usually Landry wakes up or I have to go pick the girls up from school. Today I didn't have to though, I did have to go teach tonight though so I had to get up.
The only down fall to this was the fact that Vegas, my Boston Terrier puppy, had also decided to sleep for those 3 hours and when I got home from the studio he had managed to just about destroy everything. He also was very ready to play!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Great Weekend

So my birthday weekend is coming to an end and I do have to say that if this weekend is a preview of my year, it's going to be great!!! All of my worring about 25 was put to rest because it was great!!

It started late Thurday night. I managed to get John and I tickets to the Texas - OU game. It was totally unplanned, but I kind of decided I really wanted to go and thought it would be a good anniversary present for John ( Five years in Nov). Then when I got home I got to go ahead and open my presents from my parents and they surprised me with a Nintendo Wii. This was totally unexpected, I hadn't even really mentioned to them that I wanted one.

Friday morning I didn't get to do my normal sleeping in because John and I had to go to Dallas to pick up the tickets. So after we picked up the tickets we went to Kohls so that I could use my gift card from my Grandmother. I got a couple of cute new things to wear. Then John and I were off to The Cheesecake Factory for lunch where I totally overstuffed myself!!

Friday night Mom, Sandi, Christina, Jennifer, the boys and I all had tickets to see the So You Think You Can Dance Tour!! It was amazing. Not quite as good as last year, but still pretty amazing.

Saturday was an extremely long day. I was up at 6:15 because John and I wanted to get out the the Fair early. This was hard for me to get up because I hadn't gone to bed until about 2 and the dog woke me up about 3 times to take him out, but I managed. The game was probably the best I had ever experienced!! I have never gotten so into a football game!! I yelled so loud I got light headed and managed to stand for almost the whole 3 hours of the game even though my feet were killing me!! Texas beat OU which made John and I extremely happy, it was a great experience and I highly recomend everyone into partaking in the game at least once in their lifetime!!

Saturday night John and I varely made home in time to take a quick shower before we were off to Magic Time Machine to celebrate birthday. Our waiter was awesome, we had Captain Jack Sparrow. The kids loved him, he was so good with them letting them play with his guns and swords! I probably would have enjoyed it more had I not been so tired and sunburned. By this time I had been up for 14 hours, which for most people isn't a big deal, but if you know me at all I usually take a nap or 2 during the day. I don't know where all my energy has gone, but I do love my naps!!

Sunday I slept in some. I had to finish up some things for Shana's baby shower. The shower was fun, well except for playing shower games. I'm just not a big fan of shower games, but I know it's part of the ritual so I try my best and hope I walk away with a prize!! I got a little bit depressed though because I realized that I was one of the few girls at the shower who was not married or engaged. I've kind of gotten to where I lay off the subject with John. I figure he'll finally do it when he's ready, but it is hard to wait. I want to be a bride!!!
So here I now once again in bed and the dog is once again passed out beside me!! I to am about to go to sleepytown, I have the day off tomorrow and plan on sleeping in!! It will be great!! Goodnight everyone!!


Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Fair!!!

So tomorrow I'm super excited because its my families annual trip to the Great State Fair of Texas!!! I absolutley love the fair and look forward to it each year. I can't imagine going a year without going.
Now my trips are a little bit different then some, I don't go to ride rides or anything, I go specifically to eat my way through the fair!! We have never rode midway rides, my mom convinced my sister and I along time ago that the rides and the fair were bad because they were not bolted to the ground!!! But let me tell you that doesn't make it any less enjoyable, I eat everything.
I have a schedule for my eating too!!! There are certain things I have t have every year. I usually start out with a Fletcher's corn dog and an order of spiral potatatos for lunch. If you have never had either or these you don't know what your missing!!! Fletchers claims they were the first to make corn dogs. These aren't your normal skinny corn dogs, these things are usually and inch around. The potatos are giant spuds that are peeled and put onto some sort of spinner and it cuts the potato into long, thin, curly strips. They then fry and serve them!!!
Then it's onto the belgian waffles. These thick waffles are covered with powder sugar, fresh sliced strawberries and whipped cream! I usually make a huge mess while eating it, but it's well worth it!!!
Finally I finish it all off with Big tex nachos!! These are nachos shaped in the shape of Texas and then covered with cheese!!! For some reason it seems that that the Texas shape actually makes the nachos taste better!!!
Usually I eat a few more things in between too.
I love making it to the car building too. Every since I was little I have loved getting in and out of the cars and playing with what I will probably never have!!
I'm getting so hungry just thinking of this. Tomorrow I shall come back probably 10 lbs. heavier and 5 times closer to having a heart attack!!! Oh well, it's only once a year and I start Weight Watchers on Tuesday, so this is the last hurrah!!

In the begining

So here I am laying in bed with my dog next to me thinking.... a week from now I'll be 25. I know that it's not really that old, but when you finally hit a quater of a century it does hit you. I remember when I was younger I thought I would have accomplished so many things by this time. Here is a list of things I thought would happen by the time is 25...

1. I would have graduated college... Now this is one I really regret not accomplishing. I have every intention of finishing and I am in the process of it..

2. I would be married.... Well this could happen by the time Im 26 maybe... John and I are really working on our relationship and are talking about it!!

3. I would have a great job teaching dance... Well I am teaching dance and I love it, I thought it would be further along but I keep having set backs, but on the bright side I get to have another job that I love!!! I love my girls!!!!

So I know my life could be alot worse..But sometimes I do feel down. But I know I am blessed!!! I also know my future is still bright, right now I love my life!!!
