Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

As I watched todays Presidential Inauguration I realized that I have spent 18 of my 25 years with a Bush in office. When I was born George H.W. Bush was Vice-President with Ronald Reagan in office. Then for 4 years he was President. Finally the past eight years I have seen another Bush in office. That's something to think about to me as I watched George W. go out of office, literally all I have known in my life is a government with a Bush!!
It was so odd watching the events today. Literally one minute George W. Bush was President and then the next it Barack Obama. I can't imagine what it felt like to be Laura and George Bush leaving the home for the past eight years and not coming back. I felt a little bit of excitement and sorrow in my stomach. I have always been a George Bush fan! I can remember going to Ranger games when I was younger and seeing him sit behind the dugout and at the time thinking how cool I thought it was that the President at the time had a son who owned my local baseball team! Then Bush became Governor of Texas and later President and I thought "Wow I used to see him at baseball games!!". I watched at I was a senior in high school as he stood strong for our country as the towers were attacked and I have watched as he has had to take ridicule for a war that has gone longer than expected and for an economy that has flat lined. I think about how tonight for the first time in eight years he will probably sleep well because the weight of the free world has been lifted off his shoulders and past on to someone else.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

She's got a New Attitude!!

I've decided that when a girl turns 3 they also get a new attitude!!
Landry has now been 3 for about 2 weeks now and let me tell you is getting sassier each day!! Having 13 year old(Landry's 2nd to oldest sis) and a 3 year old around is about the same! Yesterday poor Lan spent half the day in time out. She kept talking back and having these melt downs. Her oldest sister asked her to pick up her toys yesterday and Landry, who by the way was in time out for something else at the time, preceded to tell Katy "NO! You do it yourself!"Well needless to to say I came around the corner from the bathroom and used her whole name and she picked up her toys!
Then yesterday afternoon at nap time she wouldn't lay down on the bed and take a nap, she kept getting up and playing with Vegas. So I ended up taking Vegas out of the room and I asked her to lay down for about 30 minutes. Well she kept getting up,so needless to say nap time was a total bust yesterday!
Today was a much better day though. I bribed her and told her we could get a special cookie from Cookies in Bloom, which by the way she calls "Cookies in Bloomers".I told one of my friends, Ashley, that she had jinxed us. Ashley watched Landry on Monday sit at the studio at the little desk in the office, quietly eating her apples while all the other kids ran around. Ashley then turned to me and said "She is so good!! I can't believe she sits there so quietly." Well I should have known then the next day Landry's demon side would come out!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Bows,Bow, and More Bows!!

So this weekend is finally almost over!! Not that it hasn't been good, it's just that I had a ton of things to do!
The weekend started Thursday. The cheer groups are going to a competiton next weekend and me being our official "Bow Maker" had 24 bows to do by Friday. The bows were to be just double looped red base then a row of silver sequin and black sequin cloth. Not alot to them right...Well I thought I was really on top of things. I started last week cutting the bases and measuring and cutting the sequins. Well I go to do the first bow and the ribbon was too short!! This meant that all the sequins were too short too!! So Thursday night when I got home from the studio at 10:30 I had to start recutting ribbon and fusing the sequins together in the middle! Thank goodness for wonder under. That night I was up till 4 AM getting at least everything cut and about half the bows made! John woke up a couple of times from his bed on the couch to hear me yelling at the sewing machine because things kept going wrong!
The next morning I was up at 7:30 because I had to take my car into to have the oil changed. Well it ended up not only the oil had to be changed I had to have a whole new front end! Thank goodness for mom and dad, Dad was willing to pay for it! During this time I was still at home sewing, looping, cutting and ironing those dang bows!! Finally at noon I gave up and crashed until I had to pick up my car and go to the studio.That afternoon was dress rehearsal for the cheer groups, I didn't stick around, I was afraid to hear the parents complain about the bows I had stayed up working on for so long. Instead I had to go shopping with my friend Angela for bridesmaid stuff, but I did find out that the parents actually liked my bows!
Man I love pre-competiton season, next week I get to sew fake pockets on 20 pairs of sweat pants and then on to rhinestoning!!
Today was like any normal Sunday, cleaning and doing laundry. I do live such an exciting life I know!! Now I am lying here typing and occasionally catching a glimpse of the Golden Globes waiting to go to bed. Have a great week everyone!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

My Girls

This morning my deep slumber was interrupted by my phone ringing. I didn't answer it because I have learned that whatever is usually said on the other end when I first wake up I never remember so I sent it to voice mail and decided if it was really important they would leave a message. To my surprise it was Katherine calling me, which I new had was kind of odd considering that besides probably my own mom, Katherine knows that at 9:00AM on a Saturday morning I am probably sleeping. This is because at least 3 days a week I drive to her house in my pajamas and am usually back asleep on her couch by 8AM.
Well there was a message, but not from Katherine, it was from the Doodle-bug herself. She babbled about something and told me to call her back. Well, when I finally got ahold of them Katherine informed me that they had tears this morning because Landry "needed my Candi"!! It made me laugh so hard, but also made me feel so good!! Landry eventually got on the phone and talked to me for a while and mentioned something about that when I come on Monday to please bring Vegas so he can see her Hello Kitty. Needless to say Landry loves my dog as much as she loves me!!
I love the fact that this little girl misses me as much as I miss her when I don't see her for a week. Now don't get me wrong, I loved having this past week off, but it will be nice to get back into the swing of things next week. I love all of those girls so much, I feel so blessed that their mom and dad let me be apart of their lives everyday!! I feel like I will be so much more prepared for motherhood because I've had them to practice on!! I love the moments I get to spend with them almost being like the cool older sister or aunt who does stuff with them. I love that the middle girls feel like they can talk to me in confidence when needed and that I get to take part in the everyday happenings of their lives. I like to tease them that I'll have at least 3 babysitters whenever I get to that point and that paybacks are going to suck! I love that will probably do some of the things with my kids that I have done with them and then turn around and say with a grin, "Let's not tell your Mom!!". I hate it when I have to discipline the girls for fighting or Landry for doing something she's not supposed to do and I love how the oldest one, Katy, and I have a bond almost like an older sister and a younger sister just without the fighting and annoying nagging years. I love knowing that by the time I have a little girl that she will have 4 great girls to look up to that are all so different that I have had a part in shaping who they are and that Katy, Sydney, Mackenzie, and Landry will all take part in shaping who my daughter will be!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Here's to 2009!!

Happy New Year to everyone!! I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful night last night. John and I spent thee evening with our friends Matt and Shana. It's becoming our New Years tradition. We keep it very low key.. dinner at Pappadeux and ringing in the New Years just the four of us at their home and on our way home by 12:30. We are so exciting!!
I thought about taking down my tree today, but decided it was too much work for the day. I'm not exactly sure when it will come down, I'm begingin to think I'll just leave it up all year and change out the decorations, that would be ten times easier and I wouldn't have to deal with all the dust that is involved with putting stuff away! I'm so sick of the continous sinus infection, just as I think I'm getting over it I get knocked down by it again!
This is a total change of subject, but I read some of these 13 year olds post on myspace and get really disapointed in some of the language that is used. Everything is F this and F that. I remember when I was 13 the word "butt" had just come into my language and using the word "crap" was a really big deal, the kind of word you never said around your parents because you were afraid you would be grounded if they heard you say it! I just don't get kids these days, Lord knows I wasn't perfect, but at least I didn't make things public to everyone. It's like girls these day just don't care! I know these kids are good kids, but what makes them think it's okay to use words like the F word or other words. I'm to embarrased to even type the F word, much less use it in my everyday language! Oh well, I just wish I could change these things...Okay so I'll get off my soap box now!!
Landry's birthday was really nice. It gave me a chance to use the new video camera I got for Christmas. She had about three little friends there and they had a great time at Chuck E. Cheese, well until the big mouse made his appearance. I was standing with Landry and Kennedi when Chuck came out of his mouse house and they were jumping up and now waving, well that is until Chuck decided to come into the game area!! Landry and Kennedi both ran to their mom's really fast and were freaking out!! It was pretty funny, I love how at that age they are all talk until the character comes near, we had the same experience with Santa this year. Landry was all for talking to Santa at a distance, but if we tried to take the picture it was a no go!! OH well!!

Here's to the old memories of 2008 and the new ones I hope to make!!