Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Remembering Lindsey

Last Wednesday I received the news that one of my former dance girls had been in a car accident in the early morning hours. Unfortunatly Lindsey Lear never regained concioussness. Her family had to make the difficult decision to take her off life support Thursday afternoon.

Lindsey was only 21 years old. In all the time I knew her I never saw her without a smile on her face and she never had a bad attitude. Even when we were in the crunch time of competition season, Lindsey still gave her 110%. I'll never forget at a competition one time she had a costume malfunction and exposed herself. Where most 13 year olds would have been mortified, Lindsey just laughed it off.

When she entered a room, you knew she was there. She always had a big hug for you, it didn't matter who you were. Lindsey touched so many lives and it was apparent at her viewing and her funeral, the church was standing room only and there was a 2 hours wait for people to say their final goodbyes. I have to wonder if this young girl knew how loved she was. I feel sure Lindsey was smiling down upon us. I will never understand why God called Lindsey home, but I feel better knowing she is up there watching over me.