Friday, March 27, 2009

Boring Blog

So I have totally decided I have a boring blog!!Nothing exciting happens in my life, so instead the people that actually read this thing read about my boring, mundane life!! I promise someday I will have something more exciting to blog about. Does anyone even actually read this?
This weekend I'll be in Denton all weekend at UNT judging ADTS Nationals. I will spend all day Friday and Saturday watching solos and giving kids y opinion on their dancing skills!! Let me tell you I see alot of really good along with alot of pretty bad and a whole lot in between. Oh well sometimes I even luck out and get a dance that really makes me wonder what the heck were they thinking!! It then makes me reflect on my own choreography and wonder if some judge thinks the same thing when the see one of my kids dancing. Well everyone have a good weekend and try to have some fun for me while I'm stuck in the world of dancing!

1 comment:

Parker Family said...

Hey Candi! I saw your comment on our blog and wanted to say thank you! I've been trying to track you down! I finally found you and amd excited to have read your blog. Avery is now 19 months and I plan on bringing her by the studio within the next couple weeks to see everyone and hopefully get her registered for some classes for the fall! I'm so excited! I saw y'alls website and the studio looks awesome and it looks like everything is going great! Please tell everyone hello for me and I can't wait to see everybody!