Monday, June 15, 2009

DMDS 26th Recital

Well we managed to pull another recital off! There were a few minor glitches,but for the most part it went well. I wish I had some pics of our hard work, but I really never have time to take any pictures because I run around like a crazy person for the majority of the day. I always love recital, but I have never been as ready for a year to be over as I have this one. I don't know why and I feel bad for saying this, but I just wasn't into it much this year. But the good news is a new summer started today and I have to admit I'm a little bit excited.
Landry danced again this year in the recital and I have to say I think she was the best little dancer.... Sorry to all the other friends in her class who's moms may read this, but you know you all thought your kid was the best too!!! This year was different than last year for her, she seemed to have know a little bit more of what was going on. She talked about dancing on the big stage and wearing her tiger costume all week! She also liked seeing me on stage too!! When I got to her house this morning and she woke up she was still talking about it. She talked alot about her friend Kennedi and wanted to know why Kennedi got to dance in 2 dances and have 2 costumes. I explained that Kennedi was 4 and that next year when she is 4 she can take 3 classes, but the little smarty pants replied" But Kennedi is smaller than me so how can she be older?" I just laughed and told her next year she could do 2 classes. So Katherine if you read this I don't think Bob is going to get his soccer player!!!

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