Saturday, November 24, 2012

Maddyn's Sunshine Party

I'm finally getting around to blogging about Maddyn's first birthday. I know I'm late considering her birthday was almost 3 months ago!!

We had a "You are My Sunshine" theme birthday party on Sept 15 for Maddy. We lucked out that her birthday actual fell on a weekend and could hold the party on her actual birthday. We had a big blowout bash at the dance studio and used a lot of pink and yellow. I put a whole lot of thought into the party, I had been planning this I think since we found out we were pregnant. There was a bounce house for the bigger kids and in one of the other dance rooms we filled it with balloons and activities for the littler kids. Everyone had so much fun.
Party Invitations
 "You Are My Sunshine" Lyrics on the candy bar

 Gift Table

 Studio Entry

Front Desk

Cute display with monthly pictures

 Little Kid Room

Bounce House Room

Yummy Cake from Zenzero Bakery

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Big 1!!

We've discussed it several times about how I'm a terrible blogger! I look at everyone elses blogs and think about how I need to update , but don't. I'll do a mass summer update soon but now it's time to talk about this sweet girl!

That was my sweet baby a year ago!!

 Here she is now!

My feisty almost one year old who while we were trying to take these pictures kept throwing the letters!

The look here is of her faking us out because she refuses to walk!! She stands on one foot, jumps up and down and does just about everything except actually walk!!

 And all good parties end with cake!!

Monday, May 28, 2012

What I have meant to tell you...

Oh sweet blog, how I have meant to update you....

Well Miss Priss is now 8 1/2 months old!! She is sitting, up crawling and pulling up onto everything. Maddyn now has 9 teeth!! It's crazy!!

Right after my last blog post Maddy got really sick. After 3 doctor visits, a set of x-rays, a catheter, IV and blood work she was finally diagnosed with a urinary tract infection caused by ecoli!! I know it sounds really crazy, but the doctors told us it is fairly common at the age she was at. It apparently can be in their poop and since babies are in diapers urinary tract infections can happen easily, no matter how clean you get them at a diaper change. What is even stranger is our friend's little girl who is a year and a week older than Maddyn got the same thing when she was 6 months old. Lucky for us though we caught it early and after a week of antibiotics Maddyn was back to normal. Her visit to the emergency room was enough for this momma that I hope don't have to go through anything like that with her for a while!

Other than that things are pretty normal around her. This next week and weekend is super busy as we get ready for the studios annual recital. Then two weeks later we head to Tulsa for nationals. Hopefully after that we can fit in a vacation to the beach!!

Here is one of Maddyn's 6 month pics! We go for 9 month pictures in June!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Growing like a weed

I can't believe our sweet girl is almost 6 months old! We have loved watching her grow each day, but it's all going by way to fast. Maddyn now has 3 teeth and a 4th on the way. She is also rolling all over the floor and scooting her self to different places. She is working on sitting up, but is still a little unsteady. We decided she is going to be stubborn and show us she can do something, but not do it again until she feels like it. Here are her 3rd, 4th and 5th month pictures!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Family Photos

Like I said in my last post, I have alot of catching up to do!! We had family pictures taken in November. I am so happy with the way they turned out. Here are a couple of my favorites!!

Maddy and Daddy

Taylor/Waugh Family

I know I'm her mommy, but is this not the most adorable picture ever?!?

My sweet little family

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Worlds Worst Procrastinator!!

I have to be one of the worst people about updating this thing!! I would say that it's one of my goals to be a better blogger this year, but I can tell you that's one goal that I've already failed at. I get on here all the time and look at everyone elses blogs, but never update my own!! Needless to say alot has happened since my last post which all it was was our Christmas card the doubled as Maddyn's birth announcement. Have I mentioned I'm a horrible procrastinator and that  would be why I did a Christmas Card/birth announcement....and the only reason it made it on here was  because there was a direct link from Shutterfly to post on here. I promise in the next couple of weeks I'm going to try and get all caught up on our events since the post before Christmas, so much has happened.

So get ready...Multiple post are coming hopefully!!