Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Photo Card

Picture Joy Christmas
Visit for Christmas cards this holiday.
View the entire collection of cards.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Maddyn 2 months

I can't believe my sweet girl is already 2 months!! The time has flown by. We have for sure seen a change in Maddy this month. She is really recognizing people and definatly has strong likes and dislikes. Mom and I found that out the hard way one night when we tried to give her a warm bottle. Not for this one, she threw a big hissy fit!! My girl wants her bottles room temp or straight out of the fridge!! We fall in love with her more each day. 

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Maddyn's First Month

I can't believe my sweet baby is over a month old!! We went to her one month check-up and Miss Priss weighed 9lbs. 2 oz and was 22 1/2 inches long!! She is also sleep most night for 4-6 hours a night. Here is what we have been up to so far!!

Talked to Vegas

Went to Bubba's Baseball Game

Helped the Seniors point their toes

Yard Stork

Went to the Pumpkin Patch

We also went to the State Fair, 2 high school football games and a couple of baseball games. Maddyn is for sure a baby on the go!!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Maddyn's first week!!

Her Grand Entrance!!
First Bow!!

Wide Awake

Going Home

This bassinest was my dad's. She is the 3rd generation to use it!!
Monthly photo shoot

Maddyn is here!!

My sweet girl is finally here!! Maddyn Elise was born September 15 via C-section at 11:45 AM weighing 7lbs. 2oz and was 20 inches long!! She is perfect!!

John and I decided to go ahead and be induced at out doctors appointment on the 14th because #1 I was pretty miserable and #2 I hadn't dilated nor had Maddy dropped any. We were both thinking we weren't going to be able to get in until after the weekend, but my doctor told us we could start the induction process that night.

We checked into the hospital at 10 o'clock Wednesday night and by 11 they had started me on Cervadil. By 4:30 in the morning I was feeling contractions when Dr. Staud got to the hospital at 7:30 that morning I had dilated to a 2 so there was no need to start pitocin. The dr. then broke my water and went off to do c-section. What I didn't know was that before she came into check me Maddy's heart rate kept dropping, they put me on my side and gave me oxygen and that helped bring it back up.

Around 9:00AM the anesthesiologist came in and did the epidural. I had been stressing out over this because everyone had told me this would be painful. Well I must have had one really good anesthesiologist because I felt one little poke and that was it. Honestly the IV hurt more than the epidural!!

Not long after that I noticed that one of the nurses was watching the heart monitor non-stop. This is when it started to get scary....All of a sudden they put the oxygen back on me and rolled me from one side to the other. At one point there were 4 nurses in my room. Maddyn's heart rate wouldn't stabilize even after they gave me something to help stabilize it.So they called my doctor and she came and told me we would do a c-section in the next 20 minutes. I was fine with this, actually I had always thought I would probably have to have one and I had told my doctor I was totally fine with it, whatever was best for me and the baby.

John did great through the whole thing. He stayed completely calm. He sat by my side the whole time in the operating room and told me everything was going to be fine and that I was doing great. I couldn't believe how calm he was, even before hand when we were trying to have a normal delivery. I really had thought he was going to be a nervous wreck and drive me nuts!!

I was in recovery for about 2 hours, but in the mean time Miss Maddyn had quite a crowd waiting on her arrival. There were 18 people in the waiting room and I can't even count how many people came to visit us over the weekend. John and I felt so blessed that so many people were excited to meet our baby!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

I'm Tired....

Of being pregnant!! I'm going to the doctor every week now and as of last Wednesday Ms. Maddyn hadn't dropped nor have I dilated any!!She is quite happy in her mommy's tummy! Here are pictures from 37 weeks and 38 weeks and as you can tell there is no change. I'll be 39 weeks on Tuesday and I'm so ready to be done!!

                                                           37 Weeks

38 Weeks

Monday, September 5, 2011

Finally an update!!

It's been quite a while since my last post!! I spent the summer staying extremely busy. The Hunter girls definatley kept me busy this summer. I spent so many hours in the car it began to feel like home!! We did manage to squeeze in a movie here and there, trips to NRH20 and a couple of dips in the pool.

My preganancy was going by really fast until the past few weeks and now it seems the weeks are slowing down. I think I'm so ready to be done that it's making it go by slower. I'll be 38 weeks on Tuesday and I have a feeling our little girl isn't coming anytime soon!! Everything is just about ready for her arrival if she'll just decide to make her appearance. I've been having Braxton Hix since about 30 weeks and while they aren't painful they sure are annoying!!

John and I also had a friend of mine take pregnancy pictures. Go find her on Facebook and online at The Picket Fence Photography. We loved the way they turned out!! Here are just a few!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Just a quick update

Last Wednesday was our 20 week appointment and we can gladly say we still have a girl!! Everything is going good so far. John and I have decided to name her Maddyn Elise. We actually picked the name along time ago before we were even engaged. Thank goodness we ended up having a girl because boy names were causing major arguments!!!

As of our 20 week appointment Ms. Maddyn weighs 11 oz and was measuring exactly 20 weeks and 1 day. I technically haven't gained any weight either. I somehow lost 10 pounds between week 7 and 12. I gained 5 of that back by week 16. Then in week 18 I got the stomach bug and lost 4 pounds and now have gained 2 of that back!!

Other than that we are doing good. I just finished up with the last competition of the year and am now getting ready for recital June 4. It seems every weekend is booked between now and the middle of June, which should be good so that the last of my pregnancy will go by faster. John has been busy working, but has been really great. He hasn't missed a doctors appointment and even surprises me with chocolate cake from work every once in a while!! We are feeling extremely lucky right now.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

It's officially a girl!!

Four weeks ago we were told that they were 90% sure we were having a girl. Well at our appointment today they told us were okay to start buying pink because it was pretty clear that baby is a girl!! Well at least 98% sure....We are all so excited!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Finally Making It Blog Official

So the big news if you didn't know by now is that John and I are expecting a baby September 20. We are both super excited!! Here are some of the sonogram pictures.

7 Weeks 6 Days

10 Weeks 1 Day

12 Weeks 1 Day

Friday, February 4, 2011

Cabin Fever!!

Cabin Fever has officially set in!! Being cooped up in this little appartment for four days has made me hate it even more and made me even more ready for John and I to move back in with my parents come July!!

Poor Vegas hates the snow and the cold. He has spent the past four days cuddled up under blankets. Taking him outside to potty feels like such a chore because of how many layers I have to put on just to stand out there while he potties.

Needless to say I have discovered I am not cut out for cold weather. I am so ready for a day that is above freezing!!