Monday, February 23, 2009

Again with the Sinuses

I woke up this morning again with a stuffy nose, sore throat, and a headache!! I'm so tired of the sinus stuff. I have had it every other week since Thanksgiving!! I wish it would give me a break....

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentines Day

I managed to survive the first competition!! The kids did very well! The dances still need some polishing of course, you manage to catch so many things when your not in the cramped dance studio!
Valentines Day was spent at competition. I actually forgot that it was Valentines Day until John called me on the way to competition. Needless to say I've never been big into the holiday. Don't get me wrong I do love to get the cards and flowers and gifts and I think this year I got more candy and flowers than ever. My dad gave me roses on Friday, he does this every year for me, Mom, and Tiff. I truly have an awesome daddy!! John also finally got my hints that I really wanted some flowers too, and when I got home late Saturday night there were some gorgeous coral colored roses for me to enjoy as we ate our romantic dinner of Jack in the Box!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

"No Stress Year!!"

So just a quick post. Not alot has been going on lately. We have our first competition this weekend and for once I'm not stressed about it. Sure I still have about a hundred little things to do, but I decided early on in this year that I was going to stress myself out about these things. I decided I'm not going to stress out over things like the kids not performing the way I want, I figure I've done my part by now. I taught the dance, called extra practices, put the costume together, and have yelled until it hurts trying to make the dance look good! Now it's all up to the kids and if they want to do well they will, and if they don't they don't! Usually at this time of the year I'm snapping at my family and usually have broken down a couple of times, but not this year, it's definatley a no stress year.